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No one wants summer to end, so why does it have to?

This drink comes from the Liholiho Yacht Club in San Franscisco.

Endless Summer, or a “Negroni on vacation,” as he calls it, Yanni Kehagiaras combines the big three—Campari, gin, sweet vermouth—with an ounce of pineapple and shakes the drink, pours it over ice and, in a testament to his more minimalist approach to tropical drinks, goes garnish-less.

About Liholiho Yacht Club

Liholiho Yacht Club is the playful name used by Chef Ravi's Kealoha Uncles on Maui. Back in the 70s The Uncles formed a club to raise money to fund their hobby of racing Hobie Cats (not yachts). They lived on Liholiho Street (not at the marina). The name captures the spirit perfectly. The Uncles Liholiho Yacht Club was truly an early version of a beach pop-up that offered good local food, live music, and fun with Ohana. In his Uncle George's words “What could be better than to throw a party that allows us to do what we love!” And this is what Kapur feels he is doing at Liholiho Yacht Club.

About the Ingredients

Campari is a popular bitter Italian aperitif. The brilliantly red-colored spirit is made of a proprietary blend of herbs and spices.

It has a very strong bitter flavor highlighted by orange that is an acquired taste, but an enlightening one.

Campari is enjoyed throughout the world and is an iconic before-dinner drink ingredient for cocktails like the Negroni and Americano.


Vermouth is a fortified wine that is flavored with a variety of herbs and spices. It is traditionally made in two major styles: dry (white) vermouth and sweet (red) vermouth. Dry vermouth, originating in France, is famously used to make martinis and is dry and floral. Sweet vermouth usually comes from Italy, is sweet, spiced, and herbal, and is used in cocktails like Manhattans and negronis.

Dry and sweet vermouths are also enjoyed as an aperitif. Since vermouth is a fortified wine, it is slightly high in alcohol when compared to non-fortified wine.

In this recipe we are using Sweet vermouth.


The City of London Distillery brought gin distilling back to London in 2012 after an absence of nearly 200 years.

During the Gin Craze in the 18th century, there was a gin distillery or gin shop in every street in the City, benefiting from the spices and citrus fruits coming into the port of London.

Over the next century, famine, taxation and government regulation took their toll and “The Gin Craze” ended. No gin distilleries survived, and for nearly 200 years there wasn’t a single gin distillery in the City.

Gin has an interesting history and this is one of the best gins you can use to make your Endless Summer.

Now it's time to mix up this drink!



- 1 ounce gin, preferably City of London

- 3/4 ounce Campari

- 3/4 ounce Dolin Sweet Vermouth

- 1 ounce pineapple juice


1. In a large shaking tin (preferably in our Brumate Imperial Pint Shaker), add all ingredients. Add ice, and shake well.

2. Fine strain into a Collins glass over ice.




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